Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Business in a box

Internet Business In A Box

From: msincome, 2 days ago

Creating new products can be expensive and take a lot of time.
Start 2008 with some proven, high demand, products for
your new or existing business!

SlideShare Link

Thursday, October 4, 2007

WordPress and CSS

Wordpress CSS Editing

From: msincome, 1 day ago

How to edit your wordpress themes using style sheets for a much improved look and customization.

SlideShare Link

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Drive new traffic to your site!

Want to get a quick start in Internet Marketing then you have come to the right place.

This could easily make you an extra 500 Bucks a month!

This site is a result of 3 students who knew nothing about Internet marketing. It has over 300 products and it can be your for the low price of $27.00. Now you don’t get the domain name however you do get all the source files so you can start your own internet business in the next few minutes.

and Internet Marketing Newswatch

Got a spare domain sitting round doing nothing then this is a quick way to monetize it in the next few minutes.

Over 300 of the top performing Clickbank products ready for you to upload and start generating a healthy income.

From the Desk Of Quentin Brown
Ref: Clickbank Special Offer

Hi Fellow Warrior,

What you’re looking at here is a web site site with over 300 of the top Clickbank products.

I am an Internet trainer and I put my students to work to build a viable web site that they could use to sell products. In fact this was one of three sites we built.

They went into each category in Clickbank and extracted any products rated in the top 10 for conversion and sales and then we built this site around that project.

These young orphans spent over 60 hours so you could have a great website to use as your own. They adjusted the graphics, added a basic description and generally put it all together.

Very simply you get the whole site in a zip file for the low low price of $27.00.

Simply import the whole site into Front Page and do a search and replace to change the Clickbank link from ours to yours. Change the header and first page if you want, add some of your own products and then upload and your ready to go.

Once uploaded we then set up a blogger account and added an article and a product from the site each day. We finished the site last week and this simple tactic has resulted in 5 sales already.

Have a look around the site and when your ready come back here and download. This page will not be included in the site so make sure you bookmark this page.

The package includes:

Lets face it this is a simple click and go WSO. You can use it, sell it, rename it but no auctions.

Are you ready to load over 300 products and
make some residual income

Authors Library is a division of MSIncome.com
The full version is only
$27.00 USD and includes
extra and tutorials.

Click Here to download now

Paypal users can check their account
at Paypal.com

Friday, September 21, 2007


MSICoach Internet Marketing Online College

From: msincome, 23 hours ago

MSIcoach Internet marketing college is a complete online training system developed to help you set up a successful online business.

Monday, September 10, 2007

RSS Autoresponder

Big Companies are using it!

Governments are Using it!

Small businesses are making $$$ using it!

Are you using RSS?

Discover how you can deliver your messages with a 100% delivery guarantee, and make your Autoresponder messages spam-proof
by using the hottest new delivery method!

There is one big problem with RSS. When people download a feed they get everything in one hit.

We wanted to take people through a process. You know on day 1 they get a welcome message and overview. On day 2 they get the next message and start progressing through a sequence of content. People sign up for feeds at all different times yet we wanted everyone to start at the beginning. The problem is there was nothing around that would let you do this using RSS feeds which are the best way to deliver content.

So we went out and built one ourselves and now you can use this exact same system for your needs.

Click here to Sign up

Top 10 Reasons WHY "RSS Autoresponders" Are Becoming A Permission Email Marketers BEST Friend ... and WHY you should Seriously consider the switch if your a Permission Email Marketer.

The Internet is changing, so we must change with it.

So, with that said, lets get down to business by going to the first and our MOST favorite reason.

  • Reason #1. 100% delivery rate of your messages.

    This is probably the single most BIGGEST benefit you'll receive by using an RSS autoresponder is getting 100% of your marketing messages in front of your prospects and/or existing customers.

  • Reason #2. Blacklisting is the thing of the past.

    Never worry about being Blacklisted again because of someone else using your shared server and sending SPAM emails through it and getting you Blacklisted as the end result.

  • Reason #3. Forget CAN-SPAM and Email Laws.

    You can now forget about all the email laws and CAN-SPAM because now they no longer apply to you because you are no longer an email publisher, your a RSS publisher.

    There's a BIG difference.

  • Reason #4. Subscribers can Opt-In via web forms or links.

    This is a critical feature to have with RSS autoresponders because it will allow an easy switch by simply replacing your email web forms with RSS web forms on your website/blog.

    Plus, this will make sure there won't be any confusion for your potential subscribers with some new Opt-In method.

  • Reason #5. Write freely with all the forbidden email words.

    Now you have the freedom to write using any Word or Phrase you wish without the worry of SPAM filters/blockers intercepting your messages and labeling it as "SPAM", and still have your message achieve 100% delivery rate to your subscribers.

    Isn't that great or what?

  • Reason #6. Unlimited message delivery.

    RSS autoresponders work just like traditional email autoresponders with the same functions.

    You are able to set-up Unlimited timed sequential autoresponder messages that will automatically follow-up your leads for you at your desired time or dates.

    You'll be able to sleep knowing 100% of your messages are reaching your potential customers.

  • Reason #7. Many options for managing your subscribers.

    Just like traditional email autoresponders, RSS autoresponders also give you many different options for managing and editing your subscriber lists.

  • Reason #8. Ad tracking and report generation.

    You can even track who, where, when, what week or month your subscriber subscribed and much more using RSS autoresponders, giving you valuable statistics and information about your subscribers and much more.

  • Reason #9. RSS Autoresponders produce Feeds.

    An RSS autoresponder produces a feed so everything that applies to a normal feed can also been done with your autoresponder feed.
    Auto content for websites and blogs, multimedia, graphics and much more.

    You just can't do this with emails as effectively anymore.
  • Reason #10. A New Delivery System for Content

    Because feeds can deliver a wide range of content this versatility means you can train affiliates, deliver lecture notes, white papers and any pre organized content you want. This can be sent, sold or syndicated.

Click here to Sign up

The Old Way

Many business already use email Autoresponders to deliver messages over a period of time to customers and clients. An Autoresponder allows you to set up a number of sequential messages to be sent at predetermined times. Unfortunately many ISP and hosting companies now block these so the chance of your message getting through is diminishing at a rapidly increasing rate.

RSS is the new Buzz word even though it has been around for a while. This is because initially RSS was used simply to deliver news headlines and a few sentences. Today people and businesses have realized that they can use feeds to deliver multiple pages of content per feed.

But it's not just for news. Pretty much anything that can be broken down into a feed and can be syndicated via RSS: articles, speeches, training or coaching, product updates and we have even seen one person deliver a chapter of his book each week. Once information about each item is in RSS format, you can add it to your website, blog or deliver to a web based reader or desktop software. Now many mobile phones and hand held devices allow for reading of feeds and all this from one simple address. This makes it much more powerful than email.

The beauty of providing your visitors with RSS feeds is that it will update on a regular basis thereby providing them with fresh content everyday. In a recent study of topics of conversation over thousands of blogs RSS has risen above emails and is growing rapidly.

Ok, so I was thinking, email auto-responders are so great for delivering content to subscribers, but they have one MAJOR problem:

Everyone hates SPAM!

Your visitors are scared to DEATH to hand out their email address since they might be spammed, or worse, their address could be sold to another list and eventually the whole internet will be bombarding them with spam!

Ok, let's say the deal is sweet enough for them to fill out your form to get on your auto-responder series with the content that they're dying to read. The first message gets sent to them. But guess what, it gets blocked by their ISP's SPAM filter and goes into the blackhole of the Internet! Spam is only getting worse, and it's going to keep getting worse.

Completely remove the fear of your potential subscribers who are reluctant to hand over their closely guarded email address!

Why Would I use a RSS Autoresponder?

Lets set up a situation. You have some marketing information you want to deliver to your customers. You can either do it for free or charge a fee.

With RSS Response Autoresponder you follow the same process as with an email Autoresponder except you enter the full text and graphics of each content item. You have an unlimited number of Autoresponders and campaigns you can set up so you can make separate ones for different projects. Your customer is guaranteed 100% delivery as it is not delivered through email.

The customer has a number of options to view your tutorials. They can view it in their browser using an RSS plugin, You can provide free or branded software and they can read it on their desktop or you could deliver it to a membership site or blog. Unlike email you can guarantee 100% delivery to all customers.

Before you read any more, sign up for
our FREE 7-part mini-course!

Here's what you'll learn:

*Day 1: Discover how RSS technology works and why it will totally revolutionize the internet (It already has started to!)

*Day 2: Discover the Top 3 reasons why RSS totally dominates over Email for delivering your content!

*Day 3: Discover
how to automate delivery of content to a website, blog, membership or desktop software.

*Day 3: Discover how companies are using RSS to deliver whitepapers and other educational content.

*Day 4: Discover how to create RSS Autoresponders with scheduled messages, to keep in constant marketing contact with your prospects and slowly get them to the point of purchase.

*Day 5: Use RSS to deliver audio content, such as mp3 interviews, radio shows and even TV programs.

*Day 6: Discover how you can increase your customer retention with branded readers.

*Day 7: Find out how you can have Unlimited Campaigns Unlimited Messages and Unlimited Lists

Sign Up Now! Remember, you can unsubscribe at ANY time.
Like we've said from the beginning...
I know you're hesitant to give me your email address. Don't worry! If you already know how to subscribe to an RSS feed, you can get the free Mini Course via your own personalized RSS Feed! Best of all, this will demonstrate to you how RSS Response works!

Submitting the form will provide you with your unique feed.
Just copy and paste into your favorite reader. Many will pick it up automatically
Don't have a reader use this desktop or this online version.

Where Can I use RSS Response Autoresponders?

  • Sell your information to others or through a membership site.
  • Automate delivery of content to a website, blog, membership or desktop software. We provide the additional software needed.
  • Deliver training, coaching and tutorials automatically. (100% delivery unlike emails)
  • Provide free tutorials for other to use. Syndicate your Autoresponder.
  • Provide your affiliates and marketing partners with RSS feeds they can promote to their visitors to better promote your products and still make a commission. Amazon.com is already doing it. When are you starting?
  • Mini courses and product training.
  • Use RSS to deliver audio content, such as .mp3 interviews, radio shows and even TV programs.
  • Many internet publishers are using RSS to deliver their newsletters, as a supplement to their e-mail delivery. Since many people no longer want to give their e-mail address away to publishers, this is a great way to keep your e-zine readership growing.
  • Provide limited-access content to your customers, employees, team members and even investors, without fearing other unwanted eyes. Use RSS for internal communications, team working and other needs.
  • Anything you would send with an email Autoresponder works better with an RSS Autoresponder.

Complete Training and Support

Many who visit here may not know all the great attributes of RSS feeds or anything about how to use them so we will be adding tutorials and training sessions to help get you up to speed. We have already added a lot of articles and there will be audios and video training session as well. We will also do a lot to help you set up blogs, sell your information and also general internet marketing training. For the latest information and training visit our blog

Not convinced yet

Why not take our system for a completely free test run. Just sign up to our affiliate program and get one FREE campaign with unlimited feeds for life. That's right there is no time limit and it will stay active unless you decide to cancel it. Once you see the power of RSS Response simply upgrade to a full account.

Click here to Sign up

I don't need a free trial as I already know the
power of RSS
so I would like the full program....

The full version of RSS Response is $19.95 a month
and provides you with Unlimited Campaigns, Unlimited feeds
and Unlimited Lists

Click Here To Sign up With Credit Card or Paypal Account.

Thursday, June 21, 2007

RSS Autoresponders About To Revolutionize The Marketplace!

According to the latest statistics from Pheedo, one of the most well-known RSS advertising networks, RSS feed click-through ratios range from 7 to 11%. And according to DoubleClick, the average e-mail CTR is only 8.3%, showing that RSS is already outperforming e-mail.

According to the latest research from Jupiter Research, RSS is already being used by 12% of the American online population. It's not a huge number, but it shows that RSS is growing at an incredible rate and is gaining popularity quickly.

As an experiment, last month we switched from partial feeds to full text feeds and the results have been beyond expectation both in terms of growth of RSS subscribers as well as revenue from blog feeds. Growth in RSS Subscribers - We added more than a 1000 new subscribers in less than a month - thanks to full feeds.

Revenue from Ads inside Feeds - Not saying the exact numbers here but the revenue generated from full feeds in the last month was more than the combined revenue of previous months. This is clearly a result of migrating to full content feeds - more ad impressions were generated translating to increase in revenue. Not just the commercial aspect, regular readers are now participating more and more in the blog discussions - the level of engagement has increased as well.

Mostly RSS feeds have been delivered from blogs or generated from online sites however if you want your clients and readers to start from the beginning this can be a real problem.

Soon you will be able to deliver individual messages that start from the time the client adds your feed to their favorite reader software and then be delivered the other messages in a predetermined sequence.

"Global Internet System is about to release one of the first fully functional RSS Autoresponders onto the market." Mr Quentin Brown the CEO stated

"There are virtually no professional RSS Autoresponder programs on the market at present and yet it seems like a natural progression. Our program should be ready for release late July 2007"

"We will also be providing extra software for our clients like branded readers, auto blog and web page insertion of feeds, unlimited campaigns and much more depending on customer requirements."

There are many uses for the program in the area of marketing, education, government in fact anyone who wants to deliver content in a predetermined sequence.

RSS is certainly not a new technology however it is going through a renewal process as people get disenchanted with email and spam. While email has its place this new form of content delivery is set to revolutionize the marketplace.


Sunday, May 6, 2007

Fun Ways to Create Rollovers in Adobe Photoshop

If you are a Photoshop owner, you are probably interested in every possible application that will help you get your money’s worth from the software. Well, don’t worry, there are so many fun and exciting applications you can use on Photoshop, you are sure to be satisfied. However, it is hard to try out all of the cool stuff you can do in Photoshop if you don’t know that it is there. Don’t buy a bunch of extra plug-ins for applications that you can perform with your standard Photoshop software. Rollovers are one of those things you can make in Photoshop that some people think they need another program for. Before you spend your money, make sure you know all of Photoshop’s little secrets.

Photoshop is one of the number one choices of designers and laypeople alike. Just about all of us are more than happy to spend hours creating and designing creative images in Photoshop. If you have designed a web page or are considering make one, odds are you will probably at least consider using a rollover. You will be in good company because rollovers are all around the web these days.

Rollovers appear to be on just about every Web page menu. Rollover images give site visitors with a great way to navigate through the site. If you see the image change on mouse over you know that there must be a link there. Mouse over is a better sign than the little hand that is occasionally there.

Some of you may already have a good idea about how rollovers work. Others may not be so clear, so let’s go over how rollovers are created. An easy Javascript code gives the browser information to show a different image when a mouse is passed over the initial rollover image. The size and content of the images used in a rollover is unlimited. You can even use an animated GIF file as the rollover image. If you use this technique with a light hand, you can add a lot of spunk to your web page. Visitors typically enjoy the rollovers more than the boring hand.

ImageReady has slicing and automatic rollover capabilities that can make creating rollovers easier. However, you can make rollovers in Photoshop without ImageReady. You can make them by working in layers and use the Save for Web features. The job can be completed with a little more work than you would have to do in ImageReady but not much. Once you have created one rollover you will be used to the steps and rollovers will be a piece of cake.

Create a new layer with perfect alignment. You can make rollover effects using layer styles. This includes color overlay to change the color. The way that you make the effects is not the part that matters. What is important is how precise it is. Take the time to be sure that all of your dimensions are correct before you continue.

To change the color of a rollover image add a color overlay layer style to the initial image. Make the initial image. Double click the layer that has the content you want to change. Go to the Layer Style window and click on Overlay options. Pick the color and opacity you want and click OK to go back to the document. The rollover image is complete now. If you want to turn the effect off to show the original image you can. You can also activate the effect for the rollover image.

To make rollover effects using different layers, make the initial image on a separate layer. Name the layers as you make them so you can keep track of them. Be sure you like what you want created before you move on because changes to the rollover layer will have to be made separately.


For a huge range of products and services visit the Authors Library

Photoshop Watercolor Secrets Revealed covers everything you need to know about how a real watercolor looks like and explains in a step by step demonstration how to manipulate a few Photoshop filters and tools to achieve the desired results in many of your photographic images.

Download directly from the publisher

Friday, April 27, 2007

PPC Aadvertising: How to make your business "CLICK"

PPC stands for Pay Per Click - a popular advertising technique on the Internet. Found on websites, advertising networks, and especially on search engines, PPC advertising involves sponsored links that are typically in the form of text ads. These are usually placed close to search results, where an advertiser pays a particular amount to visitors who click on these links or banners and land on the advertiser's web page.

In essence, PPC advertising is all about bidding for the top or leading position on search engine results and listings. Advertisers do this by buying or bidding on keyword phrases that are relevant to their products or services - the higher the bid, the higher the spot on the search results, the more the people will find the ad (and click on it) to go to their websites (this is why some people call it "keyword auctioning"). Advertisers would then pay the bidding price every time a visitor clicks through the website.

PPC advertising is also known under the following names/variations:

ท Pay per placement
ท Pay per performance
ท Pay per ranking
ท Pay per position
ท Cost per click (CPC)

PPC advertising is usually done with the following standard procedures:

1. Setting up an account and/or deposit funds.

2. Creating a keyword list.

3. Choosing (and setting up) an account with a PPC search engine.

4. Bidding on the ad placement, including the search result words or phrases.

5. Writing out an ad copy.

6. Setting up the 'landing pages' for your ads.

7. Placing the advertisement in the search engine.

There are many benefits to Pay Per Click advertising, making it an effective way of promoting a business 'online'. Some of them are listed below:

ท Get launched immediately. PPC advertisements are implemented very quickly - they can go 'online' within an hour after winning the bid and paying for it.

ท Obtain specific, pre-qualified, and quality traffic. PPC provides you with a quality or a well-targeted traffic. Visitors are narrowed down into 'qualified' people who are actually looking for specific products and/or services that you offer - those who are more likely to become a 'lead' (a convert) and complete a transaction (either by buying your product or subscribing to the service that you are offering.

ท Widen your reach. PPC advertising provides additional traffic to your site, aside from the natural or "organic" search engines.

ท Track your investment. PPC advertising makes use of a tracking system that will determine exactly who comes to the website and what they do once they arrive - the length of their stay on the site and the number of pages (including the actual pages) that they view. These are valuable tools in determining statistics such as return on investment (ROI), acquisition cost-per-visitor, and conversion rates (the percentage of visitors who are converted into customers or leads).

Below are some important things to consider when planning on a pay per click campaign:

1. Know your product. Take an inventory of the product and/or services that you have to offer (before anything else).

2. Stay within the budget. Determine your daily or monthly budget; and stay with it. This means keeping your budget in mind, avoiding bidding wars if possible.

3. Bid just right. Know how to bid right - a bid that is too high can exhaust all of your money, while a bid that is too low can make you lose that spot.

4. Watch the bottom line. Measure your profit margin against your spending or expenses. Know when to stop and terminate your PPC program - if you spend more on advertising but have little or no sales at all.

5. Find the right keywords. Decide which keyword phrases to opt and bid for. Do some keyword research, either by actually looking at existing search terms or with the use of online keyword suggestion tools, to know which terms are mostly used when searching for items that are related to your business. Focus on specific keywords, not on general ones.

6. Write effective ads. A good PPC ad is that which can persuade and move a searcher. There are several approaches to this:

ท Discount offers
ท Testimonials
ท Celebrity/famous endorsers
ท Money-back guarantees
ท Free trials or sample offers
ท Freebies
ท Reverse psychology
ท Major benefits ("Lose weight")
ท Direct instructions ("Click here")

7. Maintain a professional-looking site. Your web content should be regularly updated and checked for spelling and grammatical errors. There should be no broken links or images. The website should be simple - designed in such a way that it will be easy for visitors to navigate and load. Include contact details to create a good impression among potential customers.

Done properly, PPC advertising can be an effective marketing tool that will maximize the return on your investment.

For a huge range of products and services visit the Authors Library


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Honestly speaking, this is crazy. I don't know if I'll keep it for even one more hour. But I seriously want to help those who are serious about online business but struggling with their finance.
Download directly from the publisher

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Choosing the perfect real estate agent shouldn’t be as hard as choosing the perfect house!

When you come to the decision of choosing a real estate agent there are questions, which need answers. All agents work differently, finding the one that works best for your needs may be tricky. Some easy questions and information can come in handy. Think of agents as salespeople. They want to sell you a house. As buying a car there are certain aspects you need to inquire about.

With all things in life, personas are very important. Be sure not to clash with the agent you would like. You will need to converse with this person everyday until the deal goes through. Make certain this person is someone who you would like to talk with each day. You should be able to tell within the initial five minutes of conversation whether this is the agent for you. Choose an agent that is willing to work for and understand the desires of your whole family. When you have decided on the neighborhoods you’d like to live in, attempt to find an agent who works or lives in the desired area. This agent will be more in touch with the surroundings and can best explain the benefits of the area to you. Explain to your agent what you are looking for in a home. Listen carefully to what the agent has to say. Do you believe what they are saying?

Before making a decision on which real estate agent to turn to, check out a few.

Positively verify they have all the licenses they need. Take time to confirm which licenses they have and if they need to continue their education. Someone who keeps up on their school for the job they have chosen shows they are committed to their job. Ask for references; look for people who have dealt with this person on occasion. Follow up with positive and negative feedback from different sources. Once you decide on a few different real estate agents you feel will best help you, the major questions come into play.

When asking questions get a straight answer. If they give you the run around about one of more replies then the real estate agent is not being truthful. Ask which way they prefer to communicate. Do they have a full set up including a personal line, pager, cell phone, and computer with email? Is there an internet site available to view prospective homes? Do they do business with the buyer or seller most often? Which home investigators, insurance or lenders do they have available? What is their policy in protecting their client’s best interest?

When the correct agent answers all the above questions plus others you have in mind appropriately consider how they treated you during this process. Did they return every phone call and message you left? Are they knowledgeable about the neighborhoods, schools and commuting? Did they try to obtain your business? Is the agent bending over backwards to search for a home quickly and painlessly?

There are key points to remember with finding an agent that suites your time and money. The real estate agent should be a full time agent. There are so many that are just part time hobbyists. Wouldn’t you rather have an agent searching for that ideal home on a full time basis? Only select a part time agent if you are not in a hurry to find a home If you have an uncertainty about anything they mention to you or do not know what something means, inquire about it. It is best to take a list of written questions so that you don’t get side tracked. Express every possible request you have for the home. If something is not what you ask for refuse it. Tell them again exactly what you have already stated to that agent. The agent who has the highest reputation for selling homes would be an ideal candidate. Open houses are another way to find an agent, however be wary of this process. Agents frequent open houses often looking for clients.

When picking out a real estate agent, guidelines need to be followed in order to get the best representation possible. Some will work with you and some against. Inquiring about significant points will help you determine which real estate agent will be ideal. Remember not to sign anything without first being willing to commit 100 percent. You want the procedure to be as quick and painless as possible. Enjoy buying a house and leave the worry and stress of finding that home, to the agent.

For a huge range of products and services visit the Authors Library


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Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Making Money with Articles: What Kind of Experience Do I Need?

When you are trying to make money with articles, the beauty of it is that you don’t really need previous career related experience and that you can learn the ropes as you go. That being said, there are some skills that you will need to teach yourself or pick up along the way to make your sites successful. You can’t go in not knowing anything, not learning anything, and still expect to make a good income (or any income at all).

First, you will need to know how to pick out the correct articles to make your sites successful. There are many types of content, from free content to high dollar content, and each comes with its own advantages and disadvantages (although high dollar content is more likely to give you a successful site in the end).

Second, you will need to know how to choose keywords that can help you get a good amount of traffic, without being too competitive to get on the first or second page. If you choose highly competitive keywords that are used by large, mammoth website, you are likely to never get up to those much needed first two pages.

Third, you will need to know how to optimize your websites for various search engines. Search engine optimization skills will allow you to get high rankings for your chosen niche keywords, which will help to get visitors and make profit.

Fourth, if you opt for a large website that you will focus most of your internet marketing career on, you will also need to know how to market your website to your intended audience through paid banner ads and text links. If you prefer very small 2-5 page niche sites, then promoting all of them this way will not be cost effective and will eat up more profits than it is worth.

If you can capture some of these skills and attack them aggressively during your first few small websites or the first few months of a larger website, then you will eventually become an expert. Since you can learn the ropes first hand on your own, the only thing that you will need to do before you begin your new career is to read up on how to get started (maybe purchase an internet marketing e-book or two) and make sure that you have the funds available to start a small site.

For a huge range of products and services visit the Authors Library


Want To Get More Customers With Your Newspaper Advertising... Or Just Keep On Wasting Your Money?

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Just imagine how your life would become if you knew what it really takes to creating more money that you have ever dreamed you could make? What if you had the knowledge, skills, tools and resources that allowed you to generate hundreds of dollars, every day, totally on autopilot. In fact, what if you developed the knowledge and skills that allowed you to make money from your ideas at will ..

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Who Else Wants To Discover The Astonishing, Step-By-Step Secrets Of How To Play Acoustic Guitar

Why do YOU want to learn how to play acoustic guitar? Do you want to play for personal pleasure? Would you like to be sexier? Play in a Club? Perhaps you want to write your own songs and be a star!

"Whatever your reasons, Ben Edwards of Jamorama has designed a cutting-edge acoustic guitar learning kit with YOU in mind, so that you will get immensely satisfying results FAST.

"I suggested to Ben that he put a guitar learning course together just for acoustic guitar players, like me. What came out was the easiest system to follow for learning how to play acoustic guitar. Jamorama Acoustic Guitar is jam-packed with 259 pages of information, including 153 powerful video lessons, 26 Acoustic Jam Tracks to play along with and 1,000s of lines of tabulature. Step-by-step instructions train you to read TAB AND play by ear, so you can play virtually any song that you ever hear on the radio. Once you can read TAB you'll be able to learn any of the THOUSANDS of TABed songs available on the net. This is truly cutting-edge material and the BEST way to learn acoustic guitar!

"Ben also recorded 26 Acoustic Jam Tracks for you to play along with in a wide range of musical styles. Jam with the Jamorama Acoustic Band and see your guitar playing skills sky-rocket!

"With Jamorama Acoustic Guitar, you'll also discover how to read music, how to recognise chord shapes and how to transcribe songs from the radio and CDs, simply by playing Ben's fun and sophisticated software games. Thousands of people worldwide, just like you, have used this unique multimedia course to fast-track their guitar learning, while having piles of fun in the process. Will you be next?"

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How To Trade Forex Successfully: Forex Trading Risk Management

Trading the Markets

Trading the markets for speculation purposes is a challenging task that numerous amounts of people have embarked on. Do you know anyone who successfully makes money trading? The answer is most likely no. If you do I recommend you become as friendly as possible with the person and learn everything you can from him, unless he is charging for his services. That usually means he is not a successful trader.

With the type of leverage that is offered in the futures, options and forex markets, I personally find it hard to believe that anyone who has a successful system that is right for them will be too eager to teach it. Why should they teach if they can be trading the daylights out of it and be making millions with the 400:1 leverage that some forex platforms offer.

On the other hand numerous people have made millions trading. Look at the list of CTA’s on IASG.com, look at John W. Henry, Max Ansbacher, Warren Buffet, Peter Lynch and all the Market Wizards. I recommend reading the market wizards book for some inspiration.

The problem is that most traders go into trading with the wrong attitude. Have you ever heard this phrase “I am tired of working I need to trade to get rich.” It takes 7 years to complete medical school and there is no green arrow red arrow system for performing heart surgery. Trading will pay you much more than doctors make so you should expect to have to do more work than doctors do for a longer period of time to get wealthy and become a market wizard. While you start and practice it is imperative that you do so at a low cost, meaning you don’t blow out your account on bad trades due to poor risk management.

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Tuesday, April 24, 2007

You’re not too old To Kick the Habit

Do wish you could stop smoking, but think you're just too old to kick the habit? Research has proven time and time again that you are never too old to stop smoking. As soon as you rub out your last cigarette, you will begin to experience the health and lifestyle benefits of living without smoking. Here are eight things you should know if you think you might be too old to kick the habit.

1) If you think it's too late to make a difference, think again. You can always improve your health, and one of the best ways to do that is to stop smoking. Even if you have been smoking for 50 or more years, the effect of quitting can be noted right away. Just 20 minutes after your last cigarette, your body will demonstrate a marked improvement. Your blood pressure and pulse will decrease closer to their normal range. Eight hours after your last cigarette, the nicotine and carbon monoxide in your bloodstream will be cut in half!

2) You will breathe better if you quit smoking. Is anyone ever too old to breathe better? If you enjoy laughing and singing (and who doesn't?), you can bet that you will once again be able to give a big belly laugh and sing at the top of your lungs once your lungs have been cleared of the mucous and debris left behind by years of smoking. If you are prone to coughs, wheezing, and snoring, stopping smoking will help alleviate these conditions significantly.

3) You will have more energy. Smoking robs your body of breath and life, leaving you feeling sluggish and tired. If you quit smoking, you will have the strength to do the physical activities you want to do, without the strain imposed by smoking.

4) Your risk of getting a heart attack is drastically reduced. Nicotine steals the oxygen from your bloodstream, forcing your heart to work harder. As you age, your risk of getting a heart attack increases. If you don't want to become part of the statistics, you should seriously consider kicking your smoking habit.

5) You are better prepared to quit. If you have been a lifelong smoker, you probably already have experience with trying to quit. Rather than seeing past experiences as a failure, consider past attempts a learning experience. Why do you think you weren't able to stop smoking? Make a list of the things that hindered your attempt to stop smoking, and the things you think were most helpful. Make a list of the things you would do if you were trying to quit smoking again. Seek out your physician's advice on this matter. New products are fast becoming available that can help even the most hardened smoker's quit successfully.

6) Your health insurance premiums may go down if you quit smoking. With health care at an all time high, being a smoker can get quite expensive if you're shopping for a good insurance policy. Imagine the money you will save, and the better coverage you will receive, if you quit smoking.

7) Make a list of how your life would improve if you quit smoking. One of the best ways to get truly motivated is to become conscious of the ways smoking affects all aspects of your life. Make a Pro's and Con's list. What do you get out of smoking, if anything? What are the things that most bother you about being a smoker? Everybody knows that smoking is harmful on your health and on your wallet. Try to find your own personal reasons and motivations to quit. Are you embarrassed by the smell? Do you fear a heart attack? Do you worry about the effects of second hand smoke on your loved ones? Write all the things that most bother you about being a smoker, and place them in a prominent location where you can see them when the urge to light up strikes.

8) You will feel a sense of pride in quitting. What could be more meritorious than a person who has smoked for most of their life, then quits? Everyone loves hearing about such success stories. Knowing you quit after so many years will provide you with a great source of pride and strength. You may even inspire other lifelong smokers!

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New way to stop smoking without heroics, without drugs.

The FreshStart™ method takes no will power or heroics. That’s because you will enjoy a gentle hypnotic state – where you’re fully awake and in control – to remove your cravings and turn you into a non smoker…forever. Download directly from the publisher

Monday, March 5, 2007

Video Lighting on a budget

Make your videos sell by lighting them professionally for just cents in the dollar!

Making videos just a few years ago was a very expensive and specialist trade.

Today you can set up a home video studio for under two thousand dollars and output videos of very high quality.

Not only that you can then burn them to a DVD, print directly onto the DVD and create your own multimedia production house for next to nothing using the new Canon Pixma printers.

The key to good productions is lighting.

In this special and exclusive report we cover how to make your own professional video lighting for around $200.00. Sure you can go get some spotlights from the local lighting shop however the heat they generate will have you melting in front of the camera in a few short minutes.

This lighting system will allow you to film all day in the cool and if you also follow our design to make the whole system portable then you can use them for all sorts of other projects.

Included in the Report:

We also discuss blue and green screens, how to plan your productions and also edit them. There is an extensive section on streaming video and we test the top ten public video sites.

Professional Lighting Report Contents.

  • Introduction to video. (Page 3)

  • Step by Step instructions (Page 4)

    • Getting all the pieces (Page 5)
    • Assembly (Page 8)
    • Hard Mounting (Page 11)
    • Making it portable (Page 12)
    • Summary (Page 15)
  • Green and Blue Screens (Page 16)

  • 7 Tips for Making a Successful Video Production (Page 17)Beginner’s Guide to Video Editing (Page 21)

  • Streaming Video (Page 23)

  • Resources (Page 42)

  • About the author (Page 43)

  • Bonus feature: Making Your Own Low Cost Backdrops, Bluescreens and Greenscreens

See http://www.videohomelighting.com/ for more information