Internet Business In A Box
From: msincome, 2 days ago
Creating new products can be expensive and take a lot of time.
Start 2008 with some proven, high demand, products for
your new or existing business!
SlideShare Link
A big business is just a small business that did the right things. A wealthy business owner was just an opportunity seeker that became an Entrepreneur.
Want to get a quick start in Internet Marketing then you have come to the right place.
This could easily make you an extra 500 Bucks a month!
This site is a result of 3 students who knew nothing about Internet marketing. It has over 300 products and it can be your for the low price of $27.00. Now you don’t get the domain name however you do get all the source files so you can start your own internet business in the next few minutes.
and Internet Marketing Newswatch
Got a spare domain sitting round doing nothing then this is a quick way to monetize it in the next few minutes.
Over 300 of the top performing Clickbank products ready for you to upload and start generating a healthy income.
From the Desk Of Quentin Brown
Ref: Clickbank Special Offer
Hi Fellow Warrior,
What you’re looking at here is a web site site with over 300 of the top Clickbank products.
I am an Internet trainer and I put my students to work to build a viable web site that they could use to sell products. In fact this was one of three sites we built.
They went into each category in Clickbank and extracted any products rated in the top 10 for conversion and sales and then we built this site around that project.
These young orphans spent over 60 hours so you could have a great website to use as your own. They adjusted the graphics, added a basic description and generally put it all together.
Very simply you get the whole site in a zip file for the low low price of $27.00.
Simply import the whole site into Front Page and do a search and replace to change the Clickbank link from ours to yours. Change the header and first page if you want, add some of your own products and then upload and your ready to go.
Once uploaded we then set up a blogger account and added an article and a product from the site each day. We finished the site last week and this simple tactic has resulted in 5 sales already.
Have a look around the site and when your ready come back here and download. This page will not be included in the site so make sure you bookmark this page.
The package includes:
All source files for the web pages
This is the exact site you will be getting
The optimized image files for each product
The PSD for the header graphic
300 of the top selling Clickbank products
The swf file for the clock.
Lets face it this is a simple click and go WSO. You can use it, sell it, rename it but no auctions.
Are you ready to load over 300 products and
make some residual income?
Authors Library is a division of
The full version is only
$27.00 USD and includes
extra and tutorials.
Paypal users can check their account
Big Companies are using it!
Governments are Using it!
Small businesses are making $$$ using it!
Are you using RSS?
Discover how you can deliver your messages with a 100% delivery guarantee, and make your Autoresponder messages spam-proof
by using the hottest new delivery method!
There is one big problem with RSS. When people download a feed they get everything in one hit.
We wanted to take people through a process. You know on day 1 they get a welcome message and overview. On day 2 they get the next message and start progressing through a sequence of content. People sign up for feeds at all different times yet we wanted everyone to start at the beginning. The problem is there was nothing around that would let you do this using RSS feeds which are the best way to deliver content.
So we went out and built one ourselves and now you can use this exact same system for your needs.
RSS is the new Buzz word even though it has been around for a while. This is because initially RSS was used simply to deliver news headlines and a few sentences. Today people and businesses have realized that they can use feeds to deliver multiple pages of content per feed.
But it's not just for news. Pretty much anything that can be broken down into a feed and can be syndicated via RSS: articles, speeches, training or coaching, product updates and we have even seen one person deliver a chapter of his book each week. Once information about each item is in RSS format, you can add it to your website, blog or deliver to a web based reader or desktop software. Now many mobile phones and hand held devices allow for reading of feeds and all this from one simple address. This makes it much more powerful than email.
The beauty of providing your visitors with RSS feeds is that it will update on a regular basis thereby providing them with fresh content everyday. In a recent study of topics of conversation over thousands of blogs RSS has risen above emails and is growing rapidly.
Completely remove the fear of your potential subscribers who are reluctant to hand over their closely guarded email address!
Why Would I use a RSS Autoresponder?
Lets set up a situation. You have some marketing information you want to deliver to your customers. You can either do it for free or charge a fee.
With RSS Response Autoresponder you follow the same process as with an email Autoresponder except you enter the full text and graphics of each content item. You have an unlimited number of Autoresponders and campaigns you can set up so you can make separate ones for different projects. Your customer is guaranteed 100% delivery as it is not delivered through email.
The customer has a number of options to view your tutorials. They can view it in their browser using an RSS plugin, You can provide free or branded software and they can read it on their desktop or you could deliver it to a membership site or blog. Unlike email you can guarantee 100% delivery to all customers.
*Day 1: Discover how RSS technology works and why it will totally revolutionize the internet (It already has started to!)
*Day 2: Discover the Top 3 reasons why RSS totally dominates over Email for delivering your content!
*Day 3: Discover how to automate delivery of content to a website, blog, membership or desktop software.
*Day 3: Discover how companies are using RSS to deliver whitepapers and other educational content.
*Day 4: Discover how to create RSS Autoresponders with scheduled messages, to keep in constant marketing contact with your prospects and slowly get them to the point of purchase.
*Day 5: Use RSS to deliver audio content, such as mp3 interviews, radio shows and even TV programs.
*Day 6: Discover how you can increase your customer retention with branded readers.
*Day 7: Find out how you can have Unlimited Campaigns Unlimited Messages and Unlimited Lists
Submitting the form will provide you with your unique feed.
Just copy and paste into your favorite reader. Many will pick it up automatically
Don't have a reader use this desktop or this online version.
Where Can I use RSS Response Autoresponders?
Complete Training and Support
Many who visit here may not know all the great attributes of RSS feeds or anything about how to use them so we will be adding tutorials and training sessions to help get you up to speed. We have already added a lot of articles and there will be audios and video training session as well. We will also do a lot to help you set up blogs, sell your information and also general internet marketing training. For the latest information and training visit our blog
Not convinced yet
Why not take our system for a completely free test run. Just sign up to our affiliate program and get one FREE campaign with unlimited feeds for life. That's right there is no time limit and it will stay active unless you decide to cancel it. Once you see the power of RSS Response simply upgrade to a full account.
The full version of RSS Response is $19.95 a month
and provides you with Unlimited Campaigns, Unlimited feeds
and Unlimited Lists
Click Here To Sign up With Credit Card or Paypal Account.
According to the latest statistics from Pheedo, one of the most well-known RSS advertising networks, RSS feed click-through ratios range from 7 to 11%. And according to DoubleClick, the average e-mail CTR is only 8.3%, showing that RSS is already outperforming e-mail. is one of the most popular tech sites on the internet, and also a great example of what can be achieved with RSS. First of all, they are seeing a ration of 5:1 in favor of the number of RSS subscribers against e-mail subscribers, and even more interesting, a 500% better clickthrough ratio with RSS than with e-mail.
Photoshop Watercolor Secrets Revealed covers everything you need to know about how a real watercolor looks like and explains in a step by step demonstration how to manipulate a few Photoshop filters and tools to achieve the desired results in many of your photographic images.
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Honestly speaking, this is crazy. I don't know if I'll keep it for even one more hour. But I seriously want to help those who are serious about online business but struggling with their finance. Download directly from the publisher
Download directly from the publisher
"Whatever your reasons, Ben Edwards of Jamorama has designed a cutting-edge acoustic guitar learning kit with YOU in mind, so that you will get immensely satisfying results FAST.
"I suggested to Ben that he put a guitar learning course together just for acoustic guitar players, like me. What came out was the easiest system to follow for learning how to play acoustic guitar. Jamorama Acoustic Guitar is jam-packed with 259 pages of information, including 153 powerful video lessons, 26 Acoustic Jam Tracks to play along with and 1,000s of lines of tabulature. Step-by-step instructions train you to read TAB AND play by ear, so you can play virtually any song that you ever hear on the radio. Once you can read TAB you'll be able to learn any of the THOUSANDS of TABed songs available on the net. This is truly cutting-edge material and the BEST way to learn acoustic guitar!
"Ben also recorded 26 Acoustic Jam Tracks for you to play along with in a wide range of musical styles. Jam with the Jamorama Acoustic Band and see your guitar playing skills sky-rocket!
"With Jamorama Acoustic Guitar, you'll also discover how to read music, how to recognise chord shapes and how to transcribe songs from the radio and CDs, simply by playing Ben's fun and sophisticated software games. Thousands of people worldwide, just like you, have used this unique multimedia course to fast-track their guitar learning, while having piles of fun in the process. Will you be next?"
Trading the Markets
Trading the markets for speculation purposes is a challenging task that numerous amounts of people have embarked on. Do you know anyone who successfully makes money trading? The answer is most likely no. If you do I recommend you become as friendly as possible with the person and learn everything you can from him, unless he is charging for his services. That usually means he is not a successful trader.
With the type of leverage that is offered in the futures, options and forex markets, I personally find it hard to believe that anyone who has a successful system that is right for them will be too eager to teach it. Why should they teach if they can be trading the daylights out of it and be making millions with the 400:1 leverage that some forex platforms offer.
On the other hand numerous people have made millions trading. Look at the list of CTA’s on, look at John W. Henry, Max Ansbacher, Warren Buffet, Peter Lynch and all the Market Wizards. I recommend reading the market wizards book for some inspiration.
The problem is that most traders go into trading with the wrong attitude. Have you ever heard this phrase “I am tired of working I need to trade to get rich.” It takes 7 years to complete medical school and there is no green arrow red arrow system for performing heart surgery. Trading will pay you much more than doctors make so you should expect to have to do more work than doctors do for a longer period of time to get wealthy and become a market wizard. While you start and practice it is imperative that you do so at a low cost, meaning you don’t blow out your account on bad trades due to poor risk management.
I've seen some amazing systems. I have witnessed phenomenal track records, and have worked with some of the brightest minds in trading. Need PROOF That My Methods And Teaching Work? It doesn't matter if you trade Forex, Futures, Stocks, Commodities or any market for that matter. This code that I am talking about will rock everything you have ever learned about trading! Download directly from the publisher
The FreshStart™ method takes no will power or heroics. That’s because you will enjoy a gentle hypnotic state – where you’re fully awake and in control – to remove your cravings and turn you into a non smoker…forever. Download directly from the publisher
Make your videos sell by lighting them professionally for just cents in the dollar!
Making videos just a few years ago was a very expensive and specialist trade.
Today you can set up a home video studio for under two thousand dollars and output videos of very high quality.
Not only that you can then burn them to a DVD, print directly onto the DVD and create your own multimedia production house for next to nothing using the new Canon Pixma printers.
The key to good productions is lighting.
In this special and exclusive report we cover how to make your own professional video lighting for around $200.00. Sure you can go get some spotlights from the local lighting shop however the heat they generate will have you melting in front of the camera in a few short minutes.
This lighting system will allow you to film all day in the cool and if you also follow our design to make the whole system portable then you can use them for all sorts of other projects.
Included in the Report:
We also discuss blue and green screens, how to plan your productions and also edit them. There is an extensive section on streaming video and we test the top ten public video sites.
Professional Lighting Report Contents.
Introduction to video. (Page 3)
Step by Step instructions (Page 4)
Green and Blue Screens (Page 16)
7 Tips for Making a Successful Video Production (Page 17)Beginner’s Guide to Video Editing (Page 21)
Streaming Video (Page 23)
Resources (Page 42)
About the author (Page 43)
Bonus feature: Making Your Own Low Cost Backdrops, Bluescreens and Greenscreens