Thursday, June 21, 2007

RSS Autoresponders About To Revolutionize The Marketplace!

According to the latest statistics from Pheedo, one of the most well-known RSS advertising networks, RSS feed click-through ratios range from 7 to 11%. And according to DoubleClick, the average e-mail CTR is only 8.3%, showing that RSS is already outperforming e-mail.

According to the latest research from Jupiter Research, RSS is already being used by 12% of the American online population. It's not a huge number, but it shows that RSS is growing at an incredible rate and is gaining popularity quickly.

As an experiment, last month we switched from partial feeds to full text feeds and the results have been beyond expectation both in terms of growth of RSS subscribers as well as revenue from blog feeds. Growth in RSS Subscribers - We added more than a 1000 new subscribers in less than a month - thanks to full feeds.

Revenue from Ads inside Feeds - Not saying the exact numbers here but the revenue generated from full feeds in the last month was more than the combined revenue of previous months. This is clearly a result of migrating to full content feeds - more ad impressions were generated translating to increase in revenue. Not just the commercial aspect, regular readers are now participating more and more in the blog discussions - the level of engagement has increased as well.

Mostly RSS feeds have been delivered from blogs or generated from online sites however if you want your clients and readers to start from the beginning this can be a real problem.

Soon you will be able to deliver individual messages that start from the time the client adds your feed to their favorite reader software and then be delivered the other messages in a predetermined sequence.

"Global Internet System is about to release one of the first fully functional RSS Autoresponders onto the market." Mr Quentin Brown the CEO stated

"There are virtually no professional RSS Autoresponder programs on the market at present and yet it seems like a natural progression. Our program should be ready for release late July 2007"

"We will also be providing extra software for our clients like branded readers, auto blog and web page insertion of feeds, unlimited campaigns and much more depending on customer requirements."

There are many uses for the program in the area of marketing, education, government in fact anyone who wants to deliver content in a predetermined sequence.

RSS is certainly not a new technology however it is going through a renewal process as people get disenchanted with email and spam. While email has its place this new form of content delivery is set to revolutionize the marketplace.