Thursday, February 25, 2010

Creating streaming audio with MP3 Sound Stream

Creating streaming audio with MP3 Sound Stream

One of the keys to creating good streaming audio for your website is to use a good audio editor to create your project in the first place.


In making recordings, the goal is always to get a clear, undistorted speech signal with as little noise as possible.

Noise that will detract from or ruin signal quality for acoustic analysis can include:

  • Any kind of environmental noise
  • Speaker movement, especially if movement impacts the microphone or an object close to the microphone
  • Voice overlap between speakers
  • Noise from the computer system during transfer to computer

The best way to minimize environmental noise is to record in a sound-proofed or sound-treated room. To reduce the effects of noise in an ordinary room:

  • Choose a quiet location
  • Cover large reverberant surfaces with blankets or cloths
  • Unplug electrical appliances
  • Close doors and windows
  • Turn off lights and fans or air conditioning
  • Remove anything that ticks, buzzes, bangs, rattles, squeaks, hisses, or otherwise makes itself heard
  • Always make a one minute black recording to see if there are any noises you have missed.
  • Make sure you log off any software application like chat programs etc. There is nothing worse than almost getting to the end of your recording and your mail or chat program pipes in with a ding or what ever.

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