Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Drive new traffic to your site!

Want to get a quick start in Internet Marketing then you have come to the right place.

This could easily make you an extra 500 Bucks a month!

This site is a result of 3 students who knew nothing about Internet marketing. It has over 300 products and it can be your for the low price of $27.00. Now you don’t get the domain name however you do get all the source files so you can start your own internet business in the next few minutes.

and Internet Marketing Newswatch

Got a spare domain sitting round doing nothing then this is a quick way to monetize it in the next few minutes.

Over 300 of the top performing Clickbank products ready for you to upload and start generating a healthy income.

From the Desk Of Quentin Brown
Ref: Clickbank Special Offer

Hi Fellow Warrior,

What you’re looking at here is a web site site with over 300 of the top Clickbank products.

I am an Internet trainer and I put my students to work to build a viable web site that they could use to sell products. In fact this was one of three sites we built.

They went into each category in Clickbank and extracted any products rated in the top 10 for conversion and sales and then we built this site around that project.

These young orphans spent over 60 hours so you could have a great website to use as your own. They adjusted the graphics, added a basic description and generally put it all together.

Very simply you get the whole site in a zip file for the low low price of $27.00.

Simply import the whole site into Front Page and do a search and replace to change the Clickbank link from ours to yours. Change the header and first page if you want, add some of your own products and then upload and your ready to go.

Once uploaded we then set up a blogger account and added an article and a product from the site each day. We finished the site last week and this simple tactic has resulted in 5 sales already.

Have a look around the site and when your ready come back here and download. This page will not be included in the site so make sure you bookmark this page.

The package includes:

Lets face it this is a simple click and go WSO. You can use it, sell it, rename it but no auctions.

Are you ready to load over 300 products and
make some residual income

Authors Library is a division of MSIncome.com
The full version is only
$27.00 USD and includes
extra and tutorials.

Click Here to download now

Paypal users can check their account
at Paypal.com

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